
Why do roosters peck people?

Why roosters peck people

One is that the rooster pecks people because this is its instinct, and the other is because it wants to establish prestige among the chickens and protect the chickens; a stray rooster will not peck people, because it is a downright chicken defeated by other roosters. They are not so majestic, and the third is because they have to peck at each other with their mouths in a fight, forming a habit of not using other means to defend themselves. The rooster’s instinct to defend itself will also be against other animals.

The rooster is the head of the chicken and plays a role in leading the flock and planting seeds. Some roosters are fierce and will attack other animals or humans. When the chicken heads mate, the cock rides on the hen’s back and uses the anus to fertilize the anus. Although the eggs from the fertilized hens can hatch chicks, it does not mean that the eggs are the crystallization of the two, and the hens who have not conceived will also lay eggs.

Rooster feeding tube technology

The extent to which the breeding potential of meat breeding roosters can directly affect the fertilization rate of breeding eggs and the economic benefits of farmers’ chickens. For this reason, the author introduces several breeding and management techniques to improve the breeding potential of meat breeding roosters based on work practice and some advanced experience in various places. 1. The brooding period: This period is mainly to breed healthy breeding males. Due to the influence of factors such as selection, the size of the breeding male chicks will initially be smaller than the female chicks. Therefore, it must be carefully raised during the brooding period to ensure its survival rate and not affect the future male-to-female ratio.

1. Separate feeding between male and female during the brooding period: This will not only be able to carry out meticulous management of the breeding roosters during the brooding period, but also effectively control the weight of the roosters in the future.

2. The feeding management method is the same as the mother and chick: the amount of feed should be calculated flexibly according to the feeding standard. At the age of 1 to 7 days, feed the material through the feeder tray, and use the feeder bucket after 1 week. The height of the bucket should be adjusted at any time according to the height of the male chick’s back.

3. Correct beak cutting: the age of beak cutting is generally controlled at 6-8 days. Need to pay attention: the beak of the breeding rooster must be accurate, cutting length and shortening will seriously affect the ability of catching the chicken in the future, which will seriously affect its breeding potential. The standard for beak cutting is 2 mm from the edge of the nostril to the broken point. Some multivitamins should be added before and after cutting the beak to reduce stress.

4. Early feeding restriction: In order to better control the body weight of the males, a feeding restriction program can be implemented for breeding males from the age of 4 weeks. Practice has proved that this not only reduces the stress, but also can well control the weight of the rooster to 130% to 140% of the hen’s weight before mixing.

5. Strictly check the first selection at the end of the brooding period: at the end of the brooding period, you should choose a rooster with healthy, disease-free, vigorous, straight legs, feet, and toes, and a broad back and chest for breeding.

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