
Why do dogs get canine distemper?

Causes of dog distemper

Canine distemper is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by canine distemper virus. It is extremely contagious and the mortality rate can be as high as 80%. In the early stage of canine distemper, the dog’s body temperature is as high as 39.5-41 degrees Celsius, loss of appetite, depression, watery discharge from the eyes and nose, sneezing, and diarrhea. In the next 2 to 14 days, the body temperature will rise again, coughing, purulent nasal discharge, and purulent eye feces are already in the middle stage of canine disease.

At the same time, secondary gastrointestinal diseases, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Highly depressed and lethargic. In the later stage of the onset of canine distemper, typical neurological symptoms such as foaming and convulsions at the mouth will appear. At this time, it is more difficult to treat, mainly depending on the method of care.

In the course of the onset of distemper, mixed infections of bacteria are mostly caused, so we cannot define canine distemper as bacteria. At the same time, canine distemper belongs to the category of plague in the theoretical system of Chinese veterinarians, and cannot be defined as bacteria. In the theory of Chinese veterinarians, canine distemper has a long history and belongs to the category of plague.

The main symptoms of canine distemper

The initial infection of CDV begins when the virus invades the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract. The virus quickly spreads to local lymphatic tissues, tonsils, and bronchial lymph nodes. Subsequently, CDV will spread to the epithelial tissues and central nervous system within the first week of infection.

The humoral immune response after infection is related to the clearance of the virus. Dogs recovering from acute CDV infection are likely to gain immunity for several years. After a dog without effective immunity is infected, the virus will quickly spread to the skin, endocrine glands, digestive tract, respiratory tract, and genitourinary tract.

Although canine distemper virus can damage many organs of dogs, and clinically it will also show complex and diverse symptoms, but we are used to divide the main symptoms of canine distemper into the following three aspects: namely, respiratory symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and nerves. System symptoms.

The skin symptoms should be considered mild compared to the symptoms of other organs, and can also be classified as complications. There is no canine distemper virus that only damages the skin, or even shows severe skin symptoms but does not damage other internal organs. Traditional Chinese veterinarians believe that skin symptoms are only one of the external manifestations of canine distemper during the onset of disease.

If a dog has only some skin symptoms, Chinese veterinarians will not diagnose it as a plague. If a dog with only some skin problems but everything else is normal, and the skin disease is cured without other symptoms, a dog is diagnosed as canine distemper.

The neurological symptoms caused by CDV are obviously gradual, and eventually deteriorate rapidly. Neurosis occurs 1 to 3 weeks after recovery from acute infection. 50%~70% of CDV infections are manifested as subclinical symptoms, manifesting fatigue, anorexia, elevated body temperature and upper respiratory tract infection.

What should I do if the dog has canine plague?

1. Have a concept of dog diseases

The dog is sick and got dog plague. Many people only know that canine plague is a very serious disease, but they don’t know what canine plague is and what symptoms it has. Even dog plague was stopped immediately after it got better, causing a big outbreak of canine plague virus and dogs suffering.

2. Treat symptomatically

Dogs have canine plague. It depends on which type of canine plague. There are generally four types of canine plague. Each type has different specific symptoms. To treat canine plague, you must prescribe the right medicine for the disease. What is the treatment? It depends on how you are treated. If you go to the hospital, the doctor will naturally prescribe the medicine. If you treat yourself, you must follow this principle.

3. Check body temperature frequently

During the period of dog plague, you must always check the dog’s body temperature. The main symptom of dog plague is repeated fever. Repeated fever is very harmful to the body. The treatment of dog plague must be mainly to reduce fever. If the anti-fever needle does not work, then use soil methods, rub alcohol, and use anti-fever paste.

4. Nutrition should be supplemented in time

When the dog fights against disease, the owner must strengthen the nutrition of the pet so that the dog can face the disease. Dogs must eat and drink more during the period of illness. Glucose is not recommended. Try to absorb it naturally. If the dog likes to eat, it must be prepared. At this time, as long as the dog does not refuse to eat, it is very likely to recover.

5. The host must be patient with you

During the period when your pet dog has canine distemper, you must take care of it patiently. Maybe you will say that taking care of it is necessary. Please don’t speak big words. Distemper usually needs to be observed for three months. You must not be sloppy in the middle to avoid canine distemper virus. Broke out again. Maybe you still need to wake up at night to take care of it. Be sure to give encouragement and help during the dog’s fever.

6. Don’t give up the dog’s life

Faced with the canine distemper virus, many dogs are able to survive and recover with more or less treatment, even if they have a sequelae. However, the treatment effect of many dogs is not satisfactory, including:

Dogs who have never been vaccinated are usually not in good health; puppies.

Don’t give up on such a dog. If you can’t afford the high cost of treatment, use the local method to treat it. Find the right method to cure it.

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